How to Powder Coat Metal

How to Powder Coat Metal
When you powder coat metal you are getting a premier painted finish. Powder coating allows you to repaint just about any metal with a sleeker finish than spray paint. Your results will look more professional, and it’s a particularly good skill to have when finishing metal tubing like those on a bicycle. Powder coating can be considerably more expensive than liquid painting, but the results will look better. It is hard to make the paint run with powder. Not so, with liquid paint. There are some significant expenses required to get started in the business. For someone willing to think out of the box in putting together their system, there are big savings to be had. The general process is a. clean the parts. b. get powder on the parts. c. bake the powder onto the surface. This is, of course, an over-simplification. To start, you’ll need a basic kit for powder coating, an oven not used for baking and a free afternoon.
Step 1
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Step 2
Sandblast or scrape your metal using sandpaper until it is totally clean.
Step 3
Load the ink into your powder coating gun using the manufacturer’s instructions. The gun will charge the paint particles causing it to stick to the metal.
Step 4
Point the gun at the metal about 6 to 12 inches away.
Step 5